Rationalizing the Cost of Legal Talent

The price point of junior legal talent is, in many cases, irrationally high and difficult for law firms to recoup from already high billing rates.  

The market requires alternative sources of quality junior legal talent at a more realistic price point. We accomplish this by pricing our placements to lower the overall costs to law firms of junior legal talent. These savings can then be passed on to firm clients through lower billing rates. Our model eliminates the costs of mistaken junior associate hires and forestalls the decision to permanently hire a junior attorney until a track record of success has been established. This provides our clients rationalized pricing and confidence in their hiring decisions.

By utilizing our model, law firms can achieve greater profits while paying less for junior talent, passing the cost savings to their clients.

We pay our attorneys’ salaries and benefits, and we offer training, mentorship, coaching, wellness support, and employment from leaders in the law and business.

Legal Innovators assumes the cost of recruitment and attorney development, while clients get to evaluate potential hires, de-risk the hiring process, and rationalize the price point of junior legal talent.

Law firm and corporate legal department clients pay Legal Innovators an annual fee (payable quarterly) for each placed Legal Innovators attorney. These LI attorneys are solely dedicated to that firm or corporate legal department, working under its supervision and control.

“Clients are absolutely cost sensitive. The traditional law firm model is inherently at odds with the goals of the client. When you’re an attorney you’re rewarded for billing as many hours as you can. When you’re in house you need to be as efficient as possible. A model where the clients can control costs – that will be the future.”

Rahsaana Allen, General Counsel, ExchangeRight Real Estate