News & Events

  Largo, MD—April 14, 2020—For the first time in its 52-year history, the Council on Legal Education Opportunity, Inc. (CLEO) will host its major programs online to reach its diverse audiences during 2020 in response to the novel coronavirus.

     “Like numerous nonprofit and for-profit organizations globally, the Council on Legal Education Opportunity, Inc. has been seriously impacted by recent events related to the coronavirus pandemic,” said Cassandra Sneed Ogden, CLEO’s Chief Executive Officer.  “Our summer programs going virtual is in response to this unparalleled phenomenon.”

     The programs to go virtual beginning June 1 include:

  • Pre-Law Summer Institute – CLEO’s premier program usually held on a law school is a boot camp experience that simulates the first year of law school.  Classes are taught by law professors.  Dates:  June 1 – July 12, 2020
  • 1L Prep – Attitude Is Essential – Taught by a law professor, this two-day seminar introduces students already accepted into a law school to case briefing, note taking, issue spotting, outlining and more.  Dates: June 20-21; July 18-19; August 1-2
  • Achieving Success in the Application Process – College and postgraduates participate in an intensive weekend seminar to understand the law school application process and become competitive law school applicants. Dates: Weekends June – August.

     “We are currently evaluating our other programs to determine if they too will go virtual,” stated Ogden.  “Our guiding principles must be the well-being of our students and their success in law school.”

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About the Council on Legal Education Opportunity, Inc.

CLEO, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization whose mission is to inspire, motivate, and prepare students from underrepresented communities to succeed in law school and beyond.  Founded in 1968, when the number of lawyers of color was less than one percent, CLEO has since had more than 25,000 high school, college pre-law, and law students participate in its programs with more than 46 percent becoming members of the legal profession.  CLEO alumni have excelled in every area of the legal profession to include judges, corporate attorneys, law school deans and professors, practitioners, politicians, and more.  More information about CLEO and its programs can be found at
