Judge Denise Owens

CLEO 1976

Judge Denise Owens was elected in 1989 as Chancellor for Hinds County, Mississippi, and is presently senior judge.

A 1972 graduate of Tougaloo College and 1979 graduate of George Washington University Law School, Judge Owens completed advanced studies at the American Business Court Judges Law and Economics Institute.

Judge Owens was an Attorney with Legal Services from 1979 to 1982, and from 1983 to 1986, she was Partner and Managing Attorney for Owens & Owens law firm. She has also been an Adjunct Professor at Tougaloo, Hinds Community College and Jackson State University.

Judge Owens is past Secretary, Vice Chair and Chairperson of Mississippi Conference of Chancery Judges. She is a member of the Mississippi Bar; Mississippi Bar Foundation; National Association of Women Judges; Magnolia Bar. She was appointed as Co-Chairperson of the Mississippi Access to Justice Commission. She is a member of the American Bar, the National Bar. She was the recipient of the 2010 Chief Justice Award from the Mississippi Supreme Court, 2009 Mississippi Volunteer Lawyers Pioneer Award, The 2010 Tougaloo College Meritorious Leadership Award, 2006 Hinds County Bar Judicial Innovation Award, 2003 Mississippi Bar Fellow, and the 2002 Magnolia Bar Government Service Award.