The road to law school is paved with motivation, perspiration and preparation: preparation provided by The Council on Legal Education Opportunity’s Pre-Law Summer Institute.

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you are fully ‘logged out’ of your LSAC account before clicking on the application link below
(you will be taken directly to the application after you log in on the next screen).


If you find that you are at your LSAC Dashboard (instead of the PLSI application) then please follow these steps:

  • From the My Home screen, click on Search for Schools.
  • Click Add LSAC Member Law Schools.
  • With the US Law Schools option selected (it’s the default value), scroll down to Council on Legal Education Opportunity, click the checkbox next to the name, and click the Save Selections to My Schools button at the top of the page.
  • That should take you/the applicant directly to their My School List, with the Council on Legal Education Opportunity item added. Click that name to open the section on the screen, then click Start/Continue Application to complete the application.
  • Once these steps are completed, you can always get back to your started application by logging in and going directly to the My Schools List area, where you will again see the Council on Legal Education Opportunity section on the screen. Click it, and you can continue the application as needed.

2025 PLSI
Information Session Replay

What Students Say:


  • Monday, May 26 – Memorial Day
  • Tuesday, May 27 – PLSI Day 1 (via Zoom)
  • Sunday June 8 – All students arrive to campus
  • TBD – Mandatory Saturday Session
  • TBD – Mandatory Weekend Field Trip
  • Tuesday, July 1 & Wednesday, July 2 – Final Exams
  • Thursday, July 3 – Hybrid PLSI Graduation and Move Out

2025 PSLI will be held in-person at Penn State Dickinson Law. The first two weeks of the program are conducted online. Students will then arrive on campus on [date] to begin in-person classes the following day.


2025 graduating college seniors or any graduates who plan to attend law school in the Fall of 2025.


The PLSI cost is $2,500, for in-person students and includes all materials and also includes room and board (meals).

Application Fee is $30

Become a CLEO or CLIC Fellow when you successfully complete the program!

CLIC 2025 Dates to be Announced

Here are four things you should know about
CLEO’s Pre-Law Summer Institute and how it
prepares you for law school:

  • Read and Brief Court Opinions
  • Prepare for Law School Exams, Including the Best Practices for Learning All the Law You Need to Know for Your Exams
  • Write exams using the IRAC form
  • Conquer your workload, time, and stress in law school


Experience the Socratic Method by participating in simulated law school classes taught by law professors


Write a Contracts (or other) Essay Exam and Debrief the Experience


Discover the Benefits of Study Groups and How to Make Sure Your Groups are Productive and not Dysfunctional


Begin to build a Network of other Successful Law Students

So you want to go to law school…

  • Have you taken the LSAT?

  • Are you a graduate or will you graduate from college by the end of May 2024?

  • Have you considered how you’re going to prepare academically for law school?

could be your answer!

To access the application please click on the button above and use your LSAC Account Sign In information (or set up your account).


What are the program dates?
May 27th – July 3rd, 2025

When is the application deadline?
April 18, 2025 – Applicants are accepted on a rolling basis; this means that we may fill all available spots before the application deadline – so don’t wait! Apply as soon as you are able.

Where will it be held?
To Be Announced

Who is eligible to participate?
CLEO recruits individuals who have a strong desire to join the legal profession. Applicants must have obtained a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university prior to the start of the summer institute. Applicants also must be eligible to attend an ABA-approved law school at the completion of the program.

What is CLIC?
CLEO Legally Inspired Cohort (CLIC) is a unique opportunity to be part of a group of fellow PLSI students that will become an invaluable resource and support system for your success in law school. 

What about my GPA and LSAT score?
Many students with marginal LSAT scores and GPAs would not be admitted to law school without the assistance of CLEO. While CLEO Pre-Law Summer Institute participants must meet pre-determined academic requirements, CLEO recognizes and considers the numerous challenges that applicants have overcome in pursuit of their goal to attend law school.

Although CLEO may be liberal with respect to academic eligibility, it is unlikely that a student with marginal LSAT scores and GPA will be selected without a recommendation from a CLEO Partner School or Supporting/Sustaining Institution (PSSI).

How many students are selected and how much does it cost?
Our hosting law school will host 40 students. The cost is $2,500 per student; and includes instructional materials, room and board.

The CLEO Pre-Law Summer Institute will consist of both students already accepted into law school and students who may need placement assistance. On average 70% of the participants have been admitted or conditionally admitted to law school prior to the start of the program.

When will applicants be selected?
CLEO has a rolling admission and notifications policy. Applicants can check their status anytime through their LSAC application portal.

How do I get started (what do I need to apply)?

    • Have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university prior to the start of the CLEO Pre-Law Summer Institute
    • Obtain LSAT scores and CAS subscription from In order for CLEO to receive your Law School Admission Council (LSAC) report, please apply to LSAC.  On the LSAC application, you will go to the school list which is in alphabetical order.  On the list you will see a line titled “non-member schools.”  Under non-member schools select #5096 – “Council on Legal Education Opportunity, Inc.”
    • Be prepared to upload a typed, double-spaced personal statement
    • Apply online by the application deadline: April 18, 2025
    • Pay a nonrefundable $30 application fee; only credit/debit cards are accepted click here to pay now). No fee waivers will be granted.
    • Apply to at least one CLEO Consortium Partner School (click to view list of schools)

Note: Any changes in application information after its initial submission should be addressed in writing to the organization’s Director of Law School Initiatives, Dominique Moss via e-mail to

May 27 – July 3, 2025

To Be Announced

Application Deadline:
April 18, 2025

$2,500 (includes: instructional materials, room and board)
Application Fee: $30

IMPORTANT: Make sure that you are fully ‘logged out’ of your LSAC account before clicking on the application link below
(you will be taken directly to the application after you log in on the next screen).


If you find that you are at your LSAC Dashboard (instead of the PLSI application) then please follow these steps:

  • From the My Home screen, click on Search for Schools.
  • Click Add LSAC Member Law Schools.
  • With the US Law Schools option selected (it’s the default value), scroll down to Council on Legal Education Opportunity, click the checkbox next to the name, and click the Save Selections to My Schools button at the top of the page.
  • That should take you/the applicant directly to their My School List, with the Council on Legal Education Opportunity item added. Click that name to open the section on the screen, then click Start/Continue Application to complete the application.
  • Once these steps are completed, you can always get back to your started application by logging in and going directly to the My Schools List area, where you will again see the Council on Legal Education Opportunity section on the screen. Click it, and you can continue the application as needed.